Providing safe, convenient, affordable, drinking water is THE biggest challenge in the developing world today.
Sixty percent of the deaths of children under the age of five in the developing world are from waterborne illnesses like Cholera and Typhoid. Because young girls are burdened with the time-consuming task of gathering water, they are often unable to attend school, diminishing their future earning potential and risking a chronic downward spiral of poverty.
Trillions of dollars in international aid and decades of government efforts have failed to solve the problem of water. Large, long-term, capital-intensive, infrastructure projects are impossible in regions where fiscal accountability and political stability are in short supply. Water purification technologies used in the developed world are impractical and unaffordable in regions where electricity is unreliable and households must survive on less than $2 a day.
Happiness Thompson, a Waterpreneur in Lagos, Nigeria, tells of her water struggles and BGW’s solution in a 2-minute video. Click here.
At Blue Gold Works, we knew the real solution to this complex problem must be local, revenue-generating, simple, and earth-friendly.
Blue Gold Works Inc. (BGW) ( is a Safe Water Enterprise (SWE) that delivers attractive financial returns and significant social impact at scale. (BGW harvests and sells products derived from the Moringa tree, grown sustainably by African farmers, and sells organic oil and honey to premium skincare brands. BGW also extracts water purifying compounds from the waste stream of oil production. Moringa seed cake powder (MOSCP), has long been used to remove disease-carrying toxins from drinking water.
Via separate channels, BGW meets both urban and rural customer needs for drinking water that is safe, convenient, and affordable. In rural areas, women ‘Waterpreneurs’ use our Moringa-based household-sized BGW drinking water kits to purify and sell safe drinking water. In more urban areas, local employees operate our patent-pending, off-the-grid, chemical-free, BGW WaterWorks plant serving 8,000 people drinking water daily.
Lynn Langford, CEO and Founder of Blue Gold Works, interviewed by Suzanne Lynn of WQBQ, describes the epiphany that led her to create BGW. Click here.
In year 6 of our business roll-out, BGW will be serving 2,252,000 people daily with safe, convenient, affordable drinking water. In 7 months of BGW prototype testing in Lagos, 12 women Waterpreneurs purified 150,000 liters of safe water and had zero cases of Cholera in their families. In densely populated peri-urban areas, our 63 mini water treatment WaterWorks will each serve 8,000 people daily. In rural areas, women Waterpreneurs using our BGW drinking water kits will each purify 25 liters of drinking water daily, profitably selling half of that water to their neighbors at a price less than locally available "sachet water". Our Waterpreneurs repay their BGW microloans with their earned income and the generous incentives we offer them to expand our customer base. In addition to protecting their communities from waterborne illnesses, our Waterpreneurs, with their increased household income, are able to afford school fees for all of their children. In year 6 of BGW"s roll-out, we will be serving 367,000 African households the opportunity for education and healthcare. In that same timeframe, BGW will have provided thousands of global citizens with the opportunity to align investments and purchases with their values.
BGW revenues come from two sources; export sales of Moringa products to global skincare firms, and local sales of Moringa purified water and DIY drinking water kits. In year 6 of our business roll-out, BGW will earn USD$7.5 million on organic, cold press Moringa oil, USD$0.44 million on Moringa honey, USD$1.9 million on BGW Waterpreneur Kits, and USD$12 million on drinking water from our WaterWorks. BGW will have paid USD$11 million to local African farmers for their certified organic Moringa oil and honey. In year 6, BGW will earn USD$46 million in gross revenues.
Agro-forestry projects remove CO2 from the air and sequester it in the soil. BGW will plant 625,000 Moringa trees in the next 5 years and remove 211,000 metric tonnes of CO2 from the air. Farming organically and intercropping enriches the soil and helps us harvest more crop per drop.
With a USD$3 million investment, in year 6, and not counting any Waterpreneurs, BGW will create 83 new jobs in Africa. Further, 1.7 million self-employed women Waterpreneurs will be serving safe, convenient, affordable water in their communities.
Learn more: The Blue Gold Works YouTube channel contains videos with the Waterpreneurs, farmers, tribal partners, and beekeepers in Africa. Click here.