Raised: $277K Goal: $1.25M
Good Health and Well-being Quality Education Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production Peace and Justice Strong Institutions Partnerships to Achieve the Goal

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The Challenge

A community approach to ammassing the basic knowledge of living on planet earth has become essential. Subject matter experts and the populous at large, have skills which need to be preserved as an archive for peace, love, health and prosperity for the coming generations.

A most notable quote addressing Sustainability: "Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress in every society, in every family." ~ Kofi Annan  

The Innovation

The Runchero Earth Project is part of its “Life Mission" for developing open-source platforms, including a new knowledge base for people on Earth as a Body of Knowledge (E-BOK). At an early stage, it will be a member managed directory of resources which are shared openly with respected contributors and ultimately, the population at large. The intentions are to form an “online intentional community” which serves the Foundation of Intentional Communities and society as a whole; sharing content supporting education from subject matter experts, and a free common language for sharing with the world.

Runchero currently holds thousands of ".earth" domains with an asset value in the millions; based on future estimates from domain services providers like godaddy. 

After platform implementation, it will be self-supporting from micro-funding in the form of donations for maintenance, user / data security and content management from user interaction.

The Impact

Participation and adoption of content management by intentional communities will assist engaged user around the world to seek out and preserve the root essentials we have lost from our ancestors. 

Exploring game-theory from a city building survival video game called Surviving Mars (for Surviving Earth), would integrate real world land contributions and highly-trained, materially and digitally compensated volunteer staff into inter-connected real-life communities. Sharing knowledge and living from the land will be the "new normal" for life and longevity.

Project Preview

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This project has been approved by the ICGF directors and is accepting donations for social impact investing.

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