The objective is to help the Agua de Dios, Colombian community, to become self-sufficient and so, reach financial stability to continue with their valuable job of educating their children. Taking this into account, we are trying to bring a productive system that not only allows them to access the resources they need as well as training the children for a productive life and a promising future.
The Sasha Inchi Colombian project is to create an industry using existing resources (the land) that may generate self-sustainability to reach their educational, social, environmental, financial, nutritional, public and economic goals with the community they serve.
Sacha Inchi is a seed from Peru, whose nutritional and therapeutic characteristics are of great value to the food and health industry. The domestic cultivation of Sacha Inchi, in addition to contributing to people"s health, is a sustainable source of income for many families. Further objectives lead the development and welfare of the community due to the multiple values it generates.
This productive project is a great opportunity to offer the students at the boarding schools the opportunity to learn the whole production chain that includes agricultural planting process, harvesting, industrial and marketing process.
An expected impact of the project is a change Agua de Dios community mindset, which has lived on subsidies and government aid for decades and has become accustomed to poverty and underdevelopment.
The project will incorporate the organic methods in the crop fields as well as in the production plant. This means the supplies used will be at their highest organic percentage available, including the fertilizers and plague treatments.
View the Project Financial Plan here